Welcome To Christ Gospel Ministries International

Christ Gospel Ministries International is a results-based, truth and solution-seeking outreach ministry that solely embraces the Word of God for the basis of existence and survival. It's that simple. As Believers, our inheritance is that we deal with every circumstance not through our own natural abilities or understanding, but to operate by faith in God.


Founder and President of the Christ Gospel Ministries International.


I am Salome Lydia the first born child of Mr.Ratnakar and Mrs.Mary. My parents had brought me in the fear of God, but I had not accepted Jesus as my personal saviour till after my school boards, when I was sent for higher studies to Bapatla and was led to LEF church. It was at that time that I acknowledged my sins to God and man and experienced salvation. I asked God to speak to me through His voice and as I was praying I heard a voice saying “your sins are forgiven”. The Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 62:1. As I grew closer to God, He would often speak to me through visions and reveal to me things that would happen. After my graduation, I shifted to my uncle’s place in Hyderabad. It was there that the Lord taught me many precious lessons. As I was sitting in a meeting one day, I heard the Lord telling me “Don’t be afraid! Speak to these women don’t be silent! For I am with you and no one will lay a hand on you, because I have many people in this city.”… Acts 18:9 & 10 since that day, the Lord has been using me to be a soul winner. After my marriage I shifted to Kolkata and God started using me .One day God spoke to me through a Vision and through His Word John 4:35 "I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest". and Matthew 28: 19 -20 (" Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" Vs.20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and. lo I am with you always. even unto the end of the world ") to start a ministry. Then I said to God, “I am a woman, who will attend my meetings? Where will I conduct the meetings?". Then the Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 6:8 " Here am I, send me" .It was then, that I surrendered my will to God and God began to use me in the city of Kolkata.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri at 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday at 09:00 - 14:00


Ballygunge Modern Boys Club, 2 Bediadanga 1st lane Kolkata - 700 039, West Bengal

What We Do

Regular Activities

Social Services

Social Activities

Raj Ronie Das
Assistant Pastor